FIFA’s Bin Hammam Suspended Pending Probe Into Bribery

May 30 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg’s Daniel Lester reports on the suspension from FIFA of Mohamed Bin Hammam, who’s responsible for the sport in Asia, pending an independent investigation into allegations he paid bribes to solicit votes for his presidency bid.

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FIFA’s Bin Hammam Suspended Pending Probe Into Bribery

FIFA’s Bin Hammam Suspended Pending Probe Into Bribery

May 30 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg’s Daniel Lester reports on the suspension from FIFA of Mohamed Bin Hammam, who’s responsible for the sport in Asia, pending an independent investigation into allegations he paid bribes to solicit votes for his presidency bid.

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See the original post here:
FIFA’s Bin Hammam Suspended Pending Probe Into Bribery

Race on for FIFA’s top job

Grant Wahl, a journalist for Sports Illustrated magazine, has launched a presidential style campagin on the internet in a bid for football world’s top job. Wahl has until the end of March to convince one of 208 federations to nominate him for the FIFA presidential elections in June. He spoke to Al Jazeera’s Farrah Esmail about his bid for the presidency.

Go here to read the rest:
Race on for FIFA’s top job