READ… 900 Likes please ? ;), Please check out ph1lp0tt0’s channel here He is an amazing fifa player, one of my inspirations to actually make fifa videos Music :Dirtyphonics – Tarantino NOTE : Most of my goals in these are goals im not going to use in my final fifa 11 compilation coming out soon, so yeah you could call them left overs i suppose , i went for a different style of gameplay in this video, i included more passing along with skills instead of just one man solo runs, let me know if you enjoyed them or not Thanks R9Rai “Fifa” “Fever” “12” R9Rai ph1lp0tt0 episode 11 Goals Skills Ultimate Team best goals gameplay Online Compilation Ronaldinho
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R9Rai’s Fifa Fever Episode 12 Ft. ph1lp0tt0