We’ve had a lot of requests for screenshots of players from FM13 on twitter from people who do not have the Beta. So I thought I’d post a video with me showing you some of the key Premiership players and a little bit of analysis It’s a bit long, I ended up warbling on a bit, sorry!- Paul Follow us on twitter-
So I’m back in the Gym working out, It’s time for me to start begin a team player again! while I’m at the gym I see this sexy girl! Hope everyone enjoys thanks for watching Make sure to drop a like if you did it’s appreciated BIG time!!!! www.facebook.com Twitter : twitter.com My Stream: www.twitch.tv Check out this music channel:www.youtube.com
Absolutely beast team! its got pace, strength, quality shooting and defense!! I hope you enjoyed the video, i would appreciate any feedback! Please Like, Comment and Subscribe!
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Don’t Forget To Rate, Comment and Subscribe if you enjoyed this video and Favourite it if you loved it! I appreciate it LOADS! Twitch www.twitch.tv Twitter twitter.com Subscribe HERE www.youtube.com Background Music = incompetech.com Outro Music www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high “FIFA 13” FIFA 13 2013 EA Sports Electronic Arts UPC 014633156904 MPN 014633157116 Soccer goal field usa world cup david beckham freddy adu landon dovovan tim howard montage machinima Spurs Real Madrid Defoe messi eac futbol south Africa champions league English premier series machinima sports gameplay commentary montage “how to” Cristiano Ronaldo Messi Kaka Brazil Manchester United Ultimate Team Maxwells Team of the week emaxwell458 “ep 3” “episode 3” Nilmar how to skills giveaway give away machinima sports euro 2012 qualifiers world cup sepp blatter mario ballotelli micah richards dispute reaper reeper pc minecraft free frea freekicks penalty top 10 best in the world HD high definition 720p youtube yt wayne rooney kengamers kenburtonshow ken england manager fabio capello harry redknapp bundesliga german league start up team good fifa 13 fifa13 FUT football ultimate team arsenal vs liverpool tottenham vs man u highlights ashinho10 Trout’s Ultimate Team Roulette pack opening IF daan messi hart chamberlain oxlade ox squad builder maker team teem dyer cisse graham krul TMR themillionthreaper bpl epl barclays premier league English premier league fifa 14
**Watch in 720p for best audio!** Custom-made chants for PES 2013 on PS3 – this video showcases some found in the Premier League pack for Everton, Manchester City, Spurs, Swansea, Liverpool & Manchester United.
This will be very interesting indeed… My Twitter: twitter.com My Facebook: www.facebook.com Music By www.mediamusicnow.co.uk Music Tristam – I Remember (Dubstep) Video link: www.youtube.com Source: www.youtube.com www.MachinmaSound.com